Monday, May 23, 2005

Dreaming of Pele

So I woke up at 5 in the morning having had a terrifying dream. I was wandering in a plush suburban neighborhood circa 1964. The day was rainy and all the vegetation was lushly green.

In the dream I learn that there is a Mexican family in the neighborhood that is being harassed by someone nearby. The harrassment consists of mocking the soccer playing ability of the Mexican family's young son. They are calling him "Pele" which leads the boy to believe that the harrassment is actually a compliment.

All of the sudden I begin running very fast in the neighborhood...I am not running away from anything or anyone...just running very fast and efficiently. I then come around a corner and I see the Mexican family's house which has been painted with amateurish graffitti. In the dream I get an incredibly sick feeling in my stomach and find myself running through a thorn bush. I am able to pull most of the thorns out effortlessly, but there is one thorn under my fingernail that will not come out. I pull on it hard and the pain is so intense that I wake myself up.

I rarely have nightmares and I will admit that this was not the most terrifying on record, but for some reason when I woke up I was "haunted"...It felt like my ego had "burst" and all self-esteem had been sucked out of me.

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