Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Liberation...Liberate Me

It's on. September 2nd, Hammerstein Ballroom. This extravaganza is only for those that appreciate beauty, rhythm and coloured lights.

Trend Spotting

Harper's magazine says that 94% of all blogs in existence have not been updated in the last four months. While I did not hit the four month mark, I easily could have...too much "stuff" going on to sit my gorgeous ass down and write.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

From Ecstacy To Agony

Today I got word that the legendary DJ Dimitri From Paris was going to be playing tomorrow night at LOVE. Instantly I am super-excited. Even though it is a "school night", it will be worth it to walk five blocks to the club, serve the dancefloor, then walk home...

Five minutes after receiving this info and making all the time/fun calculation I learn that the party has been cancelled....damn, Universe, don't pull the rug out from me quick like that.

Anyways, I'll have to console myself with another listening of Dimitri's new compilation which is brilliant as usual.

Friday, May 15, 2009


With events like this...Summer 2009 is going to be on Fy-ahh!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Pure Trip

The incomparable DJ Harvey is at Love this Saturday. If you don't enjoy fun and smiles, please stay away. He will bring it dead on the heavy funk.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Forever Eternal

Say what you will about the death of couture...the fact that the artisans are dying off, the fact that the clientele is getting downsized, the fact that it is basically a commercial for the designers more plebian lines...whatever. As long as there are visionaries like McQueen churning out auto-rimmed influenced creations like this, then I will be paying attention.

He probably owes Amanda residuals for the lip-heavy maquillage, but I am sure she will accept the hat as payment.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Mother Who?

Since Mama Nature will not give us sunshine, I am obligated to drive you to this site.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

The World We Could Live In

Never underestimate the healing power of unadulterated CAMP

Friday, March 20, 2009

Heavy Duty Lightness

Let's forget that it is the first day of spring and that it is snowing. Get into the lightness of this track and let it guide you to a prettier future.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My List Of Demands

I need to have this in my life right this second. If I am forced to endure another grey wintry day I think I might pull a Liza and lose my very mind. I must have colour and freshness and I must have it toot sweet.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Image Is Everything

Would anyone have given Microsoft the time of day had they kept there original logo? My guess is "No". Helvetica italic is the only way to inspire confidence.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Pitch Blackness

Hank Willis Thomas now on view at Jack Shainman Gallery. A must-see show if you appreciate politics and social commentary added to creativity.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Merciful Release

It is bad enough enduring a snowstorm in March...but the real reason I am praying that the winter ends immediately is that I don't know if I can withstand seeing another person wearing one of those gay-assed shiny Moncler jackets

Rarely does an item of clothing so boldly scream a "I-am-a-person-who-follows-trends-and-this-is-an-expensive-item-so-it-must-be-good" mentality

Spring, please come soon so I do not have to gouge my eyes out...

The Only Solution...

...after an exhausting day in the rat race there is only one thing to do. Kick out the jams...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sweet Sounds Of Sweden

All you have to do is click right here and you will automagically be connected to the RollerBoys myspace page, wherein their delightful Beats In Space mix will begin emitting from your soundsystem.

It has never been simpler to hear what the Swedes are jackin' to right now.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Touch Me With Your Sunshine

Dedicated to all the LOVERS out there....I want your love, I want your kisses on my face.

Game Changers

Martha Graham. Learn it. Know it. Take it to the Ball.

Today's Info

Finally the internet has some useful information.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

This Is Art

I will never stop loving John Waters. Don't even attempt to make me try.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm Gonna Tear Your Playhouse Down

Ann Peebles gives to those that deserve it...act like 'ya know.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


"...the grim but edifying realization that a complete picture of reality is not to be had. If we realize that, we can begin to be realistic. Thinking otherwise, we doom ourselves to spinning fantasies, which might well be fluent, but could equally be lethal. Stalin and Hitler both thought they could see the whole picture, and look what happened."

The above is taken from Clive James' Cultural Amnesia, which is blowing me away on several different levels.

This quote in resonates with what I am perceiving in life right now. The sensation of never having the total picture, of having all the information. It is as if you are piecing together a jigsaw puzzle, every bit broadens the picture, then a moment later you realize that you are working on the wrong puzzle. Then you start over amassing bits of information hoping to see what the final image might be...

Right now, I am enduring a sort of chaos, of believing that "Up" is "Up" only to become aware that "Up" is now "Down" and all my suppositions were incorrect.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Right Angles

This beautifulness is so beautiful in it's simplicity that it boggles the mind. Thank Yahweh that there are those out there kickin' the creative jams.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Perpetual Moments

Collier Schorr's photographs are so awesome, the gorgeousness levels so high, that sometimes your retinas get burned.

While based in reality, she knows how to visualize and capture the "otherworldly" in a very concrete manner.

Her 2007 show "There I Was" at 303 Gallery almost had me in tears...

Never Leave Home Again

Thanks to Billy,
you no longer have to go outside to find out what
The Children are brangin'

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Be A Part Of It, Feel The Heart Of It....City Of Excitement...

This MicroChip League classic was unleashed on the world in 1987, the same year I made my initial visit to the NYC.

During that visit I was overwhelmed, feeling the feel of a place that had occupied my dreams for years yet seemed so foreign. It was as if you had grown up looking at photographs of lions, then in a split second you had your head in the mouth of a real live roaring one.

This track resonates in my head because offers a peek into the dirtiness that is this city. A dirtiness that can become intoxicating.

Spring 2009 Preview...A Return To Awesomeness

V Magazine Spring 2009 has enough insight to know that Grace defines Legend, but if you couple her with Jean-Paul Goude she is literally unstoppable.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Nicholas Kirkwood continues to destroy The Children with creations such as these. It would be an honor to be bludgeoned to death with one of these joints.

Monday, January 19, 2009

New York...Home Of The Lemon Creme Facial

Unless Obama can invent a time machine to take us back to this New York, then he is wurfless...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Watch And Learn

The clothes are by Built By Wendy, the awesomeness is provided by Amy Sedaris.


Let me be the last to wish you a Happy New Year. L. S. I. is my prayer for the lives of all reading this blog...

Make it happen!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Anyone who still does not believe that truth is stranger than fiction...I suggest you read this obituary.

This is american history y'all.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Rent "Witness" And Learn The Functions!

Times are hard. The geniuses behind N. Hoolywood understand that you must go back to the roots. There is nothing more root-ier than the Amish for s/s 2009.

Get ready for this look to sweep the streets (literally). For those that cannot afford a plane ticket to Asia to pick up these thread, just hack up a quilt and sew it onto whatever you are delivering right now.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

One Piece

A visual shard from my dreams last night...In a perfect world you could jack into my brain and share my spectral wavelengths.