Wednesday, April 06, 2005

"On Hold"

You know how sometimes you will phone a business and will be put "on hold". You know how sometimes when put "on hold" the music in the background may be a song that you really really like and even though you hate being placed "on hold" you really enjoy listening to that particular song and almost kind of want to hear the rest of the song instead of having your call responded to in a timely fashion.

That scenario is the perfect analogy for how my life has been for the past year or so. Over this time period I have been working less than at any time in my adult life. This has been rewarding in the aspect that I have had a great deal of free time to relax, and for lack of a better term, breathe. The free time has allowed me to read more, to entertain myself more, to get into a solid routine of gym-going which have all been tremendously positive. However, there is an overarching sense that I have been "wasting time".

Part of this may be that our culture puts "workaholism" on a pedestal. To admit to not having your job as priority one in your life is tantamount to treason. This is definitely a factor in my sense of time wasting, but also there is my own personal sense that I have not been motivating myself in a career direction.

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