Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Optimistic Social Theory

Now I might just be writing this because I need a dose of optimism, but that does not mean that the following social theory is not true...

When I was at the gym this morning I noticed a man in his 40s also working out. He looked like a "meat and potatoes" kind of guy, in other words an "average joe". What caught my eye was that he had shaved his legs. I have noticed the straight man shaving his legs thing more and more lately. Yes, I am aware of the media-generated phenomenom known as "metrosexuality", but if that exists at all, it can probably be assumed that it is occurring amongst 20 and 30somethings. For a straight man in his 40s to have caught this trend says something to me....It says to me that you cannot stop the influence of homosexuals.

Despite the fact that a very very small percentage of Americans want to turn back the clock on gay rights, you cannot put the genie back in the bottle. We are approaching the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots which, in addition to the fact that there are two full generations of non-homosexuals "used to" the concept of homosexuality being out in the open, but you will soon have an entire new generation of gays who have NEVER been in the closet. Try telling them about the rightness of antiquated sodomy laws...

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