Sunday, February 05, 2006

Prepare For Future Illness

Just watch this clip from newly ordained minority leader John Boehner and I think you will see the talking point that the Republicans are going to use in November midterm elections.

Basically, I predict that the Republicans are going to try to sell the American public the idea that, although Iraq appears to be a, in some undefined future the project will be a success and will be worth all of the sacrifice we have to endure currently. Now, let's disregard the fact that Bush has not asked the American public as a whole to make a single sacrifice for this debacle, that's the Machiavellian beauty of this political strategy....You sell the electorate the idea that their sacrifice (praying for the American combatants, slapping a Chinese made "support the troops" ribbon on their SUV, etc.) is actually a "gift" to future generations. Everybody gets to feel that they are a part of "struggle against tyranny" without any effort at all.

Now every generation gets to be the "Greatest Generation" without expending any energy.

I still have not figured out how the Republicans are going to market our record budget deficit as beneficial, but I trust Karl Rove has. I will let you know when my tea leaves reveal this bit of insanity.

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