Thursday, January 26, 2006

Glutton For Punishment

Despite my continuing ever-morphing illness I got my ass to the gym today. That should be enough punishment for the day, but as I get on the treadmill I noticed that the President's press conference was on. My better judgment said I should switch the channel, but because I do have a masochistic side to my personality I decided to watch.

After five years in office what else can be said about this guy. The lies and the "folksiness" are so forced that I can't possibly fathom how even his most ardent supporters can't see through his condescension.

Back in the day Jesse Jackson had a quote in reference to presidential candidate Gary Hart. Jackson said "Gary Hart has a superiority complex...without the superiority". Just substitute the name Bush for Gary Hart and you have my opinion on our current president.

I swear, if Bush had been born with the same personality and mannerisms, but without the Bush name or money or privilege, you would find him at the bar at TGIFridays trying to impress his buddies from OfficeMax over a platter of jalepeno poppers.

Unfortunately fate would not be so just...

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