Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Up Is Down...Left Is Right...Black Is White

It seems as though I have fallen "through the looking glass" when today I discovered a Republican with actual common sense. Texas representative Ron Paul gave this speech and it is an absolute "must read" for anyone who wants to cut throught the bullshit of the Bush foreign policy on Iran.

One of the simplest, but most important points he makes is that the neocons in charge of the policy are not going to make any sacrifice for it's completion or "success". Anyone who has been within earshot of me over the past four years has heard my fundamental statement that you cannot claim to be for or support any military action unless you are willing to say that the war is so important that you would allow the person you love most to die for it. It is completely easy to say "Oh, I would die for my freedom, liberty, or American way" (knowing full-well that you will never have to follow through on such a commitment) but could you honestly say that the cause of freedom, liberty or the American way is so important that you would permit your husband, mother, or daughter to die for this foreign policy.

Every one of the more than 2300 soldiers that have died in Iraq was the most beloved person in someone's life.

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