Wednesday, April 05, 2006

More Random Stuff About Me

1. I was a Cub Scout for one year.
2. On the rare occaision I eat a Ritz cracker I am immediately transported back to sunday school at age six.
3. I was in the fifth grade when I got into my first fight...with a classmate named (I kid you not) Melvin Mudd.
4. I have blown a bubblegum bubble once in my life and have been unable to repeat this feat since.
5. I used to have my ears pierced.
6. I was 18 years old when I first travelled on an airplane.
7. In the fifth grade I won a gold medal in the "Reading-O-Lympics"
8. I have never worn anything that could remotely be described as "acid-washed"
9. I love roller coasters.
10. I have a one inch scar on my forehead from falling down on our porch as a child.

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