Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Again With The Mercury

Anyone who has spent more than five minutes with me during the last 20 years knows that I cannot shut up about the planet Mercury going retrograde.

(For a brief refresher course on what the hell I am talking about and a handy Mercury calendar click here)

We are currently in one of these periods and I vowed to myself that I would not bring it up in conversations or in my own thought process as I believe that the power of suggestion can alter the perception of actual events. Or more accurately that my mention of it may be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

That being said, in the past few days I have been forced to acknowledge Mercury's influence. The number of miscommunications has been ridiculous. I don't think I am alone in saying that my level of mental clarity has been especially low. Want proof? Just look at the incoherence of this post

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