Sunday, August 13, 2006


I am definitely one of those people who "follow their gut". You can present me with any form of logical data, but if my gut or my heart (or whatever internal organ is in charge of my instincts) says the complete opposite, logic is useless.

My feeling is that you have to be true to what your intsincts are guiding you toward. On paper this sounds great, but what happens when your instincts are wrong. Recently I have had more than a few instances where I went with my instincts and my instincts failed me. What does one do in these situations? Do I abandon my gut and make decisions solely based on what a normal rational person would do...thereby ignoring that "feeling" that I get when I need to make a decision...

1 comment:

Ana said...

Like you I am a beliver of "the gut" and like you many many times It has been wrong... All i can say is that maybe you didn't REALLY follow what it was "telling" you, somewhere in the translation... desire got involved and took over...
Regardless, there is something to be learned from everything.
Dont let it get you down.
Not worth it.