Thursday, March 23, 2006


I just realized that I have only posted to items in the month of March. There are a multitude of reasons for this related to motivation levels, extraneous stress and activity levels but in all honesty one of the biggest factors has been the retrograde motion of the planet Mercury.

Anyone who has spent more than five minutes with me in the past decade and a half knows that I am perpetually referring to this astrological principle. Some may see it as a crutch or a self-fulfilling prophecy, but to me it boils down to the indisputable fact that during these periods I (and most people) are not thinking clearly...which of course causes a decrease in communication skills and an increase in stress.

That being said, Mercury goes direct this Saturday morning at 8:42 a.m. and I, therefore, no longer have an astrological excuse for my behavior. Damn!

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