During my last biennial visit to Lincoln, my nephew Cody and shot hoops at the
YMCA. Since it had been a long time since we had seen each other, the topics of discussion were quite varied. In between shots we tried to catch up with each others lives.
At some point I remember saying that my only motivation to make new friends is that I need fresh people to listen to my tired old stories. I am pretty sure that when I made this statement it was half facetious and half pathetic honesty.
More and more frequently I find myself retelling the same stories over and over again to the uninitiated. While there is nothing inherently wrong with this situation, there is a little voice in my skull that pipes up and says "Are you telling that AGAIN?"
In an attempt to kill that voice in my head, I am going to start sharing more of these "Greatest Hits" from my past. Hopefully in releasing some of these anecdotes out into the ether, I will clear enough memory in my brain to refill my mental harddrive with sparkling new tired old stories.