This is officially my theme song for 2009. Feel free to borrow it and make it your choon as well...
Stay Positive, Stay Strong, Stay Beautiful
Monday, December 29, 2008
Everyday Grace
The pipes failed to exist because years of rust and corrosion had eaten away at the metallic properties that make pipes pipes.
Obviously, the situation needed some attention. A wise person would have picked up the phone and called a plumber. But, then a wise person would have to pay for the services of a plumber...something that I did not wish to do.
In an instant it was decided that I would repair and replace the pipes myself.
At this point, anyone who has spent more than thirty seconds in my presence should know that this scenario does not bode well.
As a child I was frequently in the midst of my dad fixing something around our homestead. While I don't explicitly remember him giving concrete tutorials on "do-it-your-self" jobs, I am sure he spread his wisdom to his children in some fashion.
Despite being cognizant of the fact that someday I would be an adult and would some day have to "fend for myself", including doing some of the same repairs, I apparently assumed that as an adult, should something need to be fixed I would be wealthy enough to pick up a phone and call someone to fix the problem.
Alas, this was not the case...
I searched to find some sort of "wrenching apparatus" that would let me disassemble the bad piping. Then I would have to go to a hardware store and hopefully find the correct replacement parts. Plus, if that hardware store also had a plumbing apprentice program that could bring me up to speed on how to adequately replace pipes that would be swell too, as it goes without saying that I did not technically have the skills to complete this project.
Heading to the hardware store I decided that I needed to just slightly pretend that I knew what I was doing when interacting with the customer service reps. so as to 1) not be sold some things that I did not need, yet would run up my tab and 2) not to embarrass myself as a male in his extremely late thirties who did not know how to replace a metal pipe.
After getting the run-around from 3 or 4 of my local hardware purveyors (didn't have the right parts, couldn't offer any surreptious assistance in the project, etc. etc.) it was suggested that I visit Garber Hardware.
It had been years since I had been to this place and if memory served me correctly, it was a place I did not want to go. My memory said it was one of those stores where you could cut the testosterone with a knife. A place where burly men talked in burly voices about burly things. Not exactly my desired "scene". Not a place where I could bluff my way through a home improvement project.

Nonetheless, I entered the doors reluctantly. My only hope was to beg for mercy, admit my ineptitude and hope they could help.
As I approached the counter I verbally let it all out..."I didn't have a clue what I was doing"..."I've never replaced a pipe before" infinitum.
I prepared for a lashing. "How could a grown-ass adult creature with X and Y chromosomes not know how to do this?" I envisioned the man saying.
After my soul-baring acknowlegement of idiocy I was met with nothing but kindness and concern. The man behind the counter seemed non-plussed with my inexperience. He answered a million of my basic-level questions, offered valuble insight on the project and generally made me feel a sense of confidence that I hadn't entered the store with.
I was expecting belittlement and instead I was met with grace and patience. Instead of feeling small, I felt faith in humanity restored with simple acts of decency.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Event Horizon

The gilded age is over (and just after I invested my life savings in gild!). How does one balance the new austerity with panache? Well just hop on an aeroplane to Buenos Aires and pick up some of these Lucila Iotti joints.
Grey with a shock of "right now" that it makes today feel like tomorrow's yesterday.
Needless To Say...
With Beats All Things Are Possible
Right now we are facing multiple crises in this country. We have most of the tools to overcome these challenges and come out stronger on the other side.
What is missing is an all-star pop song to rally the nation in a unified direction.
It is unlikely that we could come up with something as spectacular as this Arthur Baker produced slice of heaven, but for godsake let's try.
If anyone knows how to make contact with the remaining Fat Boys, I am sure they would be willing to make another appearance for such a noble cause
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Untraditional Tradition

Was lucky enough to witness another of Jackie Hoffman's tour de fierce holiday shows at Joe's Pub.
She definitely displayed what The Times referred to as "her lovable air of aggrieved bitterness"...which, needless to say makes her shows the perfect antidote to the holiday insanity that pervades our society around this time every year.
Sunday Shoutin'

2009 is going to be a sick-diculous year for me. In order to mentally, spiritually and physically prepare I will need an hours long sweat session at Body&Soul.
Work it out!
Friday, December 19, 2008
A Progression Of Beauty
Monday, December 15, 2008
Parts Unknown

Due to a completely unexpected sixty-five degree day, I simply had to exploit this meteorological good fortune by taking a walk around the city.
Although I had tons of items on my to-do list that were going to go undone, it was mentally necessary just to meander aimlessly through the streets. As I walk ideas/concepts/philosophies flit through my head. I am thinking of ten million things at once, but instead of feeling overburdened or exhausted, I am revived.
Long ago I acknowledged that I am addicted to "input". I yearn to see new things and am comforted by the familiar...that's what a walk without a destination does for me. Entertains and enlightens while also reassuring me.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Quote of The Day
Experience consists of experiencing that which one does not wish to experience
Pretty much sums up my year...
And Now A Word From Our Sponsor
...this one goes out to all the laydeez who never let me forget I'm a man.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Trendscouts Agree!
Enjoy your New Age!
Everything I know about graphic design came from this logo.
Study it. Learn it. Revere it....
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Wisdom From All Eras

Want to know how to survive in the New Economy? Observe the gameplan of my Homie John Wesley:
Make all you can,
Save all you can,
Give all you can.
All the Methodists in 'da house...Make some NOISE!
Monday, December 01, 2008
The Ease of Fashion

You know I give much love to Mr. Walter van Beirendonck. And now with his collection for 2009 he has made visiting the gymnasium a thing of the past.
Now you can simply have the musculature sewn into the wardrobe. Visionary, yet I venture he will not make much money after paying royalties to this trailblazer.
Where Are You-ou-ou? Sound Factory
The absolute definition of a vicious Factory track.
The vocal interlude that begins around the 3:45 mark simply destroys.The outsider searches for the temple, waiting to be "wowed". The silence...the anticpation...then the blare of the sirens. A clarion call to submit to the power of the dance floor.
The twinkling of the house piano keys sends chills up the spine. You feel the intensity, yet are fully aware that release will follow.
Now that was "27th between 11th and 10th"