Friday, November 23, 2007

Take What Is Given

Even though it is an aquarian horoscope from an astrologer that I have never met before, the following is exactly what I need to hear right now:

Quick, contact the authorities. You’ve surely beat the world record for holding your breath. How long’s it been since you took in a proper lungful of fresh, cool, clean, refreshing air? A few months, at least. Whatever constrictive force has restrained you from truly breathing and relaxing is about to let up, whether it’s a self-inflicted emotional corset or a predatory metaphorical boa constrictor. Your ribs might crack, and it might hurt to draw in that first delicious breath—but you’ll know it’s the good kind of hurt. Yawn, gasp, sigh, and pant—and know that things will have to be at least a little easier from now on.
Even if it is just self fulfilling prophecy leading me in the above-stated direction, I will take whatever release that the Universe has to offer.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Return

This is the best album title in forever. And the music taint half bad either. Believe it.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Computers Do Not Give Justice

Only two weeks left to see the Ben Grasso exhibition at the Thierry Goldberg gallery. Although Grasso content is visually exhilirating, it is his use of color that will blow you away.
In the painting above he mixes some very fresh greens with some other-worldly purples and lavenders that create an amazing lightness and depth. These are paintings that have to be seen to be appreciated. No computer can mimic the colors that he communicates.

Damn Her!

I can't believe Vanessa Del Rio had the cojones to steal the title of my future autobiography for her own high-end art book.
I shall have my revenge...

Higher (And Lower) States Of Consciousness

Leave it to Billy Beyond to harness the power of music to cleanse the mind and the body.
The AMA better watch out.

Poem Du Jour

Saw this on one of those MTA poetry posters on the subway.

Tell All The Truth

Tell all the truth but tell it slant,
Success in circuit lies,
Too bright for our infirm delight
The truth's superb surprise;
As lightning to the children eased
With explanation kind,
The truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind.
Emily Dickinson
That last line absolutely destroys me...I have been blinded many times by both the unfiltered beauty of "The Truth" as well as being blind-sided by the ugliness of a truthful revelation.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Let's Get Down To Business Indeed!

If this is what life was like back in the repressed 1950's...then I say lets go return!

Monday, November 05, 2007

The Inspiration For The Now

If, as you claim, you are actually a man AND you want to know the look of the season, here it is.

So you think that denim hot pants are a bit feminine...I will give you 500 dollars U.S. to watch you tell that to Lemmy. He would crush the skull of anyone who dared make such a suggestion.

"Ace Of Spades!"
"Ace Of Spades!"
"Ace Of Spades!"

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Insight To My Way Of Thinking

The other day I was in my office when I began singing two-hit-wonder Monica's 1995 hit "Just One of Them Days (Don't Take It Personal)". A seemingly normal response to a stress-filled day at work.

My co-worker Miguel was within earshot and said "Oh no! you are going to have me singing that song all day"

"What's wrong with is a great song" I replied.

"Yeah, but everyone will think I am crazy for singing it" Miguel responded.

"That's your problem Miguel, you have everyone thinking that you are normal and then you don't want them to find out you're insane...I let everyone know I am insane from square one, then they don't raise an eyebrow at anything I do after that"

Going Internationale

Congrats to my neighbor Andre for making the current cover of Vogue Francais avec Miss Murphy photo'd by the legendary Bruce Weber
Give it to the Children!

The Look Of The Moment

If you are a female, either biological or post-birth-modified, this is the Look that you should be delivering right now.

Think cool-high-school-guidance-counselor en route to the local discotheque.

Past Advice

An old Arabic parable that I truly need to incorporate in my life:

"Write the bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble."

New Self-Improvement Plan

Apparently my decades of introspection have been in vain. This advertisement is guiding me to the clear path to happiness. Who knew?


With increasing frequency, I am one of those people who keep saying "I can't believe it is already (insert today's date)". It seems like the past few months have just flown by, which is kind of strange as stressful periods often feel like they go on forever.

Carol called earlier this week regarding coming up from D.C. for Thanksgiving. I was finding it hard to fathom that Halloween was upon us, now I am shocked that T-Day is only three weeks away.

I am fully aware that this happens every year, but my perception is that life is on hyperdrive. Perhaps it is because I have little time to really come to a full stop and smell the proverbial roses. Even when I am away from work or other obligations I feel like I always have something in the back of my head gnawing away at me...Is this what a 21st century adulthood feels like?