Although on the surface I appear to be a cosmopolitan sophisticate, that is not completely true. For instance I love Mo'nique. She is the type of sassy black woman who seems to have all but disappear from our pop cultural landscape (only to be replaced by cardboard fake-assed "divas")
Mo'nique is saucy and world-wise, but never bitter in her humor...
While on the topic of guilty pleasures I feel I owe it to the public to admit my heartfelt love for Nacho Cheese flavored Combos pretzels. Yes, I am fully aware that these were conceived and produced in a chemistry lab somewhere, but that does not mean that they are necessarily un-awesome does it? No it does not. If the level of carcinogens involved in their manufacture is what I believe it to be, then I shall book passage to chemo-ward and enjoy their deliciousness henceforth.
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