Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Partial Karmic Payback

Today at the gym I decided to splurge and buy one of the overpriced sportsdrinks they have in the vending machine there. Since the vending machine dispenses all sorts of bottled beverages including some that come in glass bottles, there is padding at the bottom so the glass will not break when it falls down to the consumer. Unfortunately this safety feature caused the drink I had just paid a ridiculous amount for to get stuck in the machine. I spent about five minutes, an eternity when you are thirsty, shaking the machine in a futile attempt to dislodge the bottle.

After giving up I realized that the situation was part of an elaborate karmic payback plan that I was being forced into...

When I was around 11 or 12 years old my friend Todd developed this method of reaching his arm up into soda vending machines...tapping the cans and having them released into his hand without paying a dime. While I could never get the method done myself...I don't know if my hand was too big or what...but I was his accomplice in acting as a lookout for authority figures...and carting away and enjoying the refreshing taste of the pilferred goods. We would literally walk away with a sixpack of soda each. Apparently we weren't the only ones participating in this activity, as soon the vending machines were reconfigured with a piece of metal that prevented a human arm to penetrate the inner workings of the machine.

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