It's on. September 2nd, Hammerstein Ballroom. This extravaganza is only for those that appreciate beauty, rhythm and coloured lights.
The Sublime and The Ridiculous...The Sacred and The Profane
Let's forget that it is the first day of spring and that it is snowing. Get into the lightness of this track and let it guide you to a prettier future.
...after an exhausting day in the rat race there is only one thing to do. Kick out the jams...
Dedicated to all the LOVERS out there....I want your love, I want your kisses on my face.
"...the grim but edifying realization that a complete picture of reality is not to be had. If we realize that, we can begin to be realistic. Thinking otherwise, we doom ourselves to spinning fantasies, which might well be fluent, but could equally be lethal. Stalin and Hitler both thought they could see the whole picture, and look what happened."
Collier Schorr's photographs are so awesome, the gorgeousness levels so high, that sometimes your retinas get burned.
While based in reality, she knows how to visualize and capture the "otherworldly" in a very concrete manner.
Her 2007 show "There I Was" at 303 Gallery almost had me in tears...
This MicroChip League classic was unleashed on the world in 1987, the same year I made my initial visit to the NYC.
During that visit I was overwhelmed, feeling the feel of a place that had occupied my dreams for years yet seemed so foreign. It was as if you had grown up looking at photographs of lions, then in a split second you had your head in the mouth of a real live roaring one.
This track resonates in my head because offers a peek into the dirtiness that is this city. A dirtiness that can become intoxicating.
Unless Obama can invent a time machine to take us back to this New York, then he is wurfless...
Let me be the last to wish you a Happy New Year. L. S. I. is my prayer for the lives of all reading this blog...
Make it happen!