Friday, June 22, 2007

Stuck In The Head

For some reason I have been thinking a lot about the following phrase..."I Can't Imagine Ever Wanting To Be White." Those words entered my consciousness in 1994 when I read a review of that year's Whitney Biennial.

Daniel Martinez had created the pins pictured here for patrons of the show to wear upon entering.
Although I did not see that show I was definitely affected by the concept of this artwork. At the time it struck me more in a political context. In our mental shadows we assume that with all the privileges that white skin affords, that naturally people would want a slice of that privilege.
The great thing about this phrase is that you can apply it to any attribute...I can't imagine ever wanting to be (male, thin, straight, rich, female, black, young, gay, beautiful, smart, ad infinitum). For me it is a mental levelling tool. So often do I become a victim of my own perspectives. I get tunnel vision and have none-to-fleeting thoughts that if everyone simply had my view on things then what a glorious world this would be.

Mental Cocoon

Left work yesterday and immediately headed for the gym. Upon my arrival I realized that I forgot to pack my iPod. No worries...I guess I can work out in silence for a change.

As I hit the gym floor I was instantly reminded that when you don't have headphones in your ears an annoying thing happens. People talk to you.

Why did I get plagued with such a magnetic personality?

Undecided Sky Activity

Due to a scheduling realignment I have today off. All week long SuperDoppler 3000 has been predicting clear skies and sunny temps for today. Therefore I planned to go to the beach and get some much needed Vitamin D.

Unfortunately the prognostications were wrong. Instead of being sunny it has been the dreaded "partly cloudy". Not sunny enough to merit a trip to the ocean and not cloudy enough to merit spending the day in bed with a good book.

As a result my bipolarity and A.D.D. have had a field day. I have had little focus and have spent the day fluttering about like a (gorgeous) butterfly.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Where Brooklyn At?

Saturday I travelled to Brooklyn twice in one day. A new acheivement for me.

First I headed out to Ana and Michael's garden wedding. Despite a brief rain shower it was an absolutely awesome affair.

There was a great vibe amongst the guests. Everything was simple, beautiful and charming. Ana looked completely radiant and there was a joy in Michael's eyes that was palpable.

Got to hang a bit with Jemal which had not happened in years.

The food was amazing and the wine was flowing. Somehow I got the brilliant idea to do shots of aguardiente. The Colombians in attendance were telling me that the liquer would "cure what ails me" but, I would have a devastating hangover. Sounds like a great deal to me...

After a train ride back in to Manhattan, I showered then hopped a different train to get out to Jameson's BBQ. Had Notorious B.I.G's greatest hits on the iPod as I travelled to Williamsburg.

All the usual suspects were there, and again I was treated to undeniably delicious food...when are these people going to become my personal chefs.

Jameson revealled his latest artwork which we we call a "site-specific" piece involving the manipulation of bags of garbage from his next door neighbors. We are so on the same artistic wavelength it boggles the mind.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Of course my morning meeting was cancelled, so I wasted a perfectly good night sleeping instead of having fun at Cielo.

Damn fate...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Future Regret

I have chosen to be responsible and not go to this party tonight. It has been far too long since I have experienced the party music that Dimitri from Paris can deliver.

His new compilation of obscure disco classics is getting rave you know he is going to turn it out.

Unfortunately I have an early morning meeting tomorrow that demands that I be at the top of my game.

Adulthood is vastly overrated.


Went to this show last weekend. It was absolutely amazing.
The kids behind FAILE never cease to inspire. Whether their work is seen on the street, or in the temporary "gallery" they created for this show.
I think the thing I appreciate about their work is that they are never trying too hard to be cool. In doing so they are cooler than 97% of the cats working the streets today.
The references they use are not overworked. They have a universal quality, but are not overly familiar or played out.

Cheap-ass New Age-y Thought of The Day

When I was walking back to my apartment this afternoon I began thinking about fear. It seems to me that this thing we call "life" is the perpetual elimination of fear.

I was thinking about the things that struck fear in my heart as a kid, as a young adult, and say five years ago. Some of those fears are so alien to me that it is shocking...

But I also acknowlege that I am still plagued by fears or apprehensions that hopefully will resolve themselves in the future. I think that because we cannot fully comprehend the seemingly irrational fears that others have that is a stumbling block in human relations.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Unlimited Beauty

Spent some quality time on the dancefloor at Sullivan Room with the legendary Danny Krivit.

His set was so remarkable that I may have to officially designate him my second favorite DJ (behind only Frankie Knuckles).

Danny was playing some ridiculously "techy" african tribal rhythms. He seemed to play a lot of non-vocal tracks, which normally aren't my favorite, but the beats were so relentless that you could not avoid getting into them.

In the midst of these very organic sounds he would blow out an old disco gem. At one point I started thinking that if he played a Sound Factory classic then the party would get out of control....Then as if hearing my thought, the next song was Loni Clark's "Rushing"...needless to say the room exploded.

Danny's ability to mix different styles, eras, the familiar and the obscure, puts him head and shoulders above most DJs out there.

Under The Stars, Not Under The Table

Had a quick shower after work and then met Jeremy and Ben for cocktails on the patio at Bowery Bar.

It was wonderful just being outside in the 72 degree air.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Cuddling With Disaster

It is starting to rain again. I am going to get underneath my flannel sheets and snuggle up with this book. I will be asleep within 22 minutes

Simple pleasures.

Style Biter

Is there anything more awesome than somebody attempting to look like Karl Lagerfeld?
Since he went on that retarded fad diet a few years ago Karl has been a parody of glamour. How do you parody a parody? My mind is blown.

The Limits of Blogging

Sometimes I do not write because the events going on in my life/mind seem way too big.

Having my brother Clay in town last week was an absolutely mind-blowing experience. So many thoughts and realizations were running through my skull that it seems I could not pick out one to write about unless I gave the background on the 50,000 thoughts that lead up to that realization or experience.

I think I need to learn to just write something.... it may not be a perfect representation of the thoughts in my head, but (hopefully) it will be better than nothing.

The Stress of No Stress

I decided to take the weekend off from reality...

Began my time away from work with Andrew's party in Brooklyn. While I truly enjoyed being on his roof with the gorgeous view of Manhattan. There were a lot of ingredients in place to make it an affair to remember, but for some reason my head was not in it.

Saturday was hot so I just chilled indoors and nursed a (thankfully) mild hangover.

Sunday I vowed to get some stuff done, but due to the rain I got about half the errands accomplished.

Of course now that it is Sunday evening I am berating myself for not "doing" more, but I guess I am justifying my laziness and desire to be a recluse because last weekend was so event filled that I need a break from the holiday weekend.